Reign In Joy

This is NOT just another membership site filled with videos that will overwhelm you and leave you with many loose ends. This is about relationships, collaborations and becoming one in the body of Christ. A place to connect, build, step into your God called purpose and lead from the heart of the Father, as daughters of the King!

If You're Ready to Prosper


Our 6 week 1:1 Parent Coaching Intensive helps parents develop spiritual leadership strategies to teach their children how to grow in their relationship with the Lord. You and your coach will also work on effective communication techniques that are unique to each child while learning to manage difficult behaviors, and set healthy boundaries with their children.

Book your free strategy call and let's create a parenting success blueprint that will bring your family into spiritual victory. I look forward to working with you in your families journey to breakthrough. 


Learn More


This is our Spirit Warrior Academy. We are here to serve you from the heart of the Father. The Parenting COMMUNITY MASTERMIND + GROUP COACHING program offers parents the opportunity to share their experiences, learn from each other, and gain support from a community of like-minded parents while learning from monthly group coaching sessions and mastermind. 





I Need A Blueprint



Workshops & Retreats that will be live events. We want our community to have access to meet each other in person!

Our retreats will provide an opportunity to take a break from the everyday and recharge and refocus while connecting with others who are passionate about their children and obeying the Lord. 





I'm Ready To Prosper

Benefits of the Workshops:

The workshops are comprised of teachings, interactive coaching, and targeted results in healing, equipping, launching and prospering from the heart of our Father God.

 These are live in-person events and will progressively launch in cities near you. 

 If you want to know if our Leadership & Business Accelerator, 12fold54, is a good fit for you, this is where you can get info and access to the limited seats.

Virtual workshops are available if you are unable to attend the live events.

I'm Ready To Invest In My Value

Benefits Of Retreats:

 Our one-day and multi-day retreats are intensive, interactive, and filled with beauty, rest, and results. 

 We will help you find clarity, create a blueprint, and build a solid foundation for your vision, all while fellowshipping, discovering joy, and working from rest. 

 *Depending on your package level the retreats include: 

*Pro photo shoots/business and marketing headshots

*Private Chef

*Work from rest events

*Resting and Healing sessions

*Creating a customized blueprint

*Fun events to build incredible fellowship, accountability, and partnership connections

*12Fold54 Seat Access

I'm Ready To Invest In Working From Rest


Benefits Of 12Fold54 Accelerator: 

 If you desire the financial freedom to homeschool, the legacy to pass on to the next generation, or the fulfillment of your purpose, you need support, partnership, collaboration, discipleship, mentorship, and a system that works. 

This is not just a community where you join and never hear from the leadership again. This is not a place where you are left to your own efforts and come and go as you please. 

 This IS a place where you will be encouraged, built up, instructed, discipled, and held accountable to show up and do the work. There are lessons, live interactions, challenges, teachings, partner connections, and ongoing support. 

The goal is not to sell a program, but to get you positioned to lead and succeed. 

12fold54 is a Kingdom Driven Leadership Program that is built in the format of business so that we can restore Kingdom Leaders in the Marketplace. 12Fold54 will walk you through a Kingdom Process to create a repeatable business model that allows each leader to walk in their purpose and prosper while serving from the Father's heart. 

I'm Ready To Invest At The Value Of My Worth

This Is Your Call To Reign In Joy!

Don't miss what the Lord has called you to steward. Whenever the Lord calls us to something, He calls us to do it with joy and as a body in one agreement. It's time to help each other and grow each other into success so the Kingdom of God can come through us, to the earth.

Reign In Joy Kingdom Restoration

This is NOT just another membership site filled with videos that will overwhelm you and leave you with many loose ends. This is about relationships in the body of Christ. A place to connect, build, step into your God called purpose and lead from the heart of the Father.

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