Leap Takers Coaching+
With one-on-one guidance+
Take your idea from vision to provision & launch a home business that will prosper as your soul prospers.
What are the benefits of 1:1 Coaching?
Hey Kingdom Mama's, bosses and bosses to be,
Do you have an idea but you're unsure how to turn it into provision?
Are you afraid to take the leap?
Do you think you might fail and you can't afford to risk it?
Maybe you think your idea isn't good enough?
Be sure to get on a call with us, and we can go over your idea and help you clarify if it is indeed a business worthy vision.
We will work with you and your vision and to help you build it out and guide you in creation to launch!
1:1 coaching is expensive, because of it's value, but I wanted to create something that was accessible & affordable in the earlier stages of launching and prospering your home business, and so here it is!
Let's overview how you will get served and how it will benefit your accelerated business launch and prospering!
What are the benefits of 1:1 coaching?:
1. When building a home business, it's easy to get stuck on the little things, the research, the learning new things, the process of how to birth the idea from vision to a business of provision.
A coach will help you work through those snags, save you time, give you peace of mind and help you work through the tough stuff. This is invaluable because this is usually where most quit. But, it's also where you will gain the most momentum, IF you can stand fast!
2. Your coach will also help you set realistic goals and complete them. This is important because if you're taking on too much, you will overwhelm yourself and lose the discipline to keep going. That's why it's important to have deeper reasons to stay the course.
3. Your coach will hold you accountable and help you discover what works so that you WILL complete your goals. Accountability is POWERFUL. You'll see as we work together how it help you accelerate in your growth. Without it we find excuses to fall away. This is similar to discipleship
4. An outside perspective helps us see the bigger picture that we often lose sight of. And it also helps us identify next steps when we feel we are unsure.
5. Having someone on your side that get's it. Who understands the why and reason for what you are working on is gonna be a game changer.
How to best prepare for your coaching time?
Make sure to have all your questions ready. Whatever areas you have been struggling in, whatever areas you need clarity, have it written out.This is so you can best use this time to your benefit. You will get 90 minutes each month with your coach to overview struggles, get breakthrough and work through next steps. Secure a time and place that is quiet and without distractions, and be ready a few minutes before hand so you can take a deep breath and get focused.
How your coach will answer your questions:
Your coach will answer questions on the call, but oftentimes you may need more. Perhaps you need a customized tutorial or walk-through be sure to let your coach know your needs.
Accountability Coaching:
This will be done via the app we use. Your coach will go over your goals with you, set new ones and troubleshoot the areas that you may be taking on too much or are able to take on more.
I'm Ready!What is group coaching and how is it beneficial?
Group coaching is a hidden gem that many don't understand the value of.
Reason's Group Coaching is Beneficial:
1. You get more than one set of eyes on a problem. So, you get the perspectives of others who may see something you and even your coach weren't able to see. This is the value of community and this is a Kingdom system way.
2. Group coaching is NOT intimidating as many may believe. Everyone in the group is in the same place as you. They too have a vision, and a fire in their bones to launch a home business. Because you are on the same journey together, there is a mutual understanding and this is highly beneficial.
3. Because you have access to each other in the private app based community, you will also be able to continue conversations there, troubleshoot further and seek input on other areas of your business building, as you grow together.
4. If someone else has just accomplished what you are currently working on, they can offer valuable feedback and assistance.
5. These sessions help you all get to know one another and each others businesses, and over time you may even consider partnerships and collaborations together!
6. You are encouraged to share your ideas and support with each other.
Oftentimes, these sessions can be even more valuable than the 1:1 coaching.
Oh, and did I mention that you get access to two of these group sessions a month?
You can pick one or make both of them if you're really on fire and accelerate your growth.
I'm Ready!What is the Plus+?
You know, coaching+?
Most coaching programs offer 1:1 coaching sessions with access to recorded sessions.
And that is great!
But we want you to have the immersion experience of support.
That's why we offer the 1:1 coaching, the group coaching, the accountability coaching, the recorded session access and...
A. We also offer a private community with a private app access. So you can access your group coaching and replays from your phone, on the go!
B. We will be having pop-up workshops, masterclasses, QnA's and hot-seats as well. And these will also be accessible in the replay library. But if you RSVP to the events and show up live, you will get access to more coaching from your coach and other guests who are Kingdom business family who desire to serve you.
Oh, and finally, we also will be having future events, with retreats, workshops and more that will be in person! So stay tuned for that too.You will be able to meet your Reign In Joy family and future business partners!
Secure Free Strategy CallI'm Heather Sudbrock, and I'm here to serve, support and strategize with you.
Hey there Kingdom Creatives!
I'm so excited that you are here.
The Lord has placed a fire in my bones for you and your families, to serve, to pray and support your family as you choose this day to separate yourselves from the world system and step into the Kingdom system.
Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have to automatically have it all figured out.
I have a heart for serving you in launching your home businesses that will also be ministries for you and your family to build together and pass on as a legacy!
I look forward to serving you, coaching you and working with you as you step into a new way that will give your family freedom, both financially and in time and ability to do more together, to make better Kingdom choices and walk closer as a family with your God!
I grew up as the oldest in a large family of eight and graduated from homeschooling. This is where my passion for family began. We were a family that owned our own business and many of us grew up with entrepreneur gifts.I pray to see this in your family as well as I believe this is a Kingdom way and mindset. But even more than just you, I want to see this for US. All of us. We are ONE FAMILY in the Lord.
I pray we launch many more Kingdom minded businesses that serve each other, so that our light will so shine into the darkness.
I don't do business without the Lord and the Lord's business is my business, so we will launch these ships together and serve one another in a way that is full of the heart of our Father.
There's no other way to succeed, don't you agree?
If You're Ready to Level Up: Ask me About the Prospering Multipliers Mastermind+Join A Community of Like-Minded Kingdom Boss Moms
Let's take your vision to provision.
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Leap Takers